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The Battle For Prado

It started as a crisp and clear morning among the frenetic preparations for battle. This was my first battle as a participant; I had witnessed several others but this was my first time at the helm. The Legoland/Thuringen (Helgoland class battleship) was finally taking to the water to fight. She had seen the water only for testing but now she was ready for her intended purpose. What is that purpose? Well, some would say to bring carnage and destruction to her opponents, others that she was to take as many holes as those same opponents could put in her and then sink. I'll leave it up to your point of view.

It was a glorious day. Not only was the weather fine but it was also the new captain's birthday as well as there were 14 ships on the water, another SCRAP record! There would be great battling this day. But first, the Thuringen had to overcome a drive issue. The first act of direct support this day came as another captain helped rectify the issue (thank you Bob). Then, the Thuringen had to deal with another issue, its guns. They were working intermittedly, at best. Well, that was as good as it was going to get, so she cast off with one operating gun. It didn't matter though, it was still a thrill.

Battle #1

Due to the number of captains and ships, the fleets broke down along Axis/Allied lines for the first battle:

Team Allies

Captain                              Ship            Units    Speed
Bob "Bobby G" Graybill               Augusta          3.0       23
Chris "Danger G" Graybill            Northampton      3.0       23
"Horrible Harry" Hollins             Caifornia        5.5       26
Stephen "Strike" Morgret             South Carolina   4.0       28
Imanya "Lady McDeath" Siouxpancic    Warspite         5.5       26
Ty "Machine" Siouxpancic             Inflexible       4.0       26
Matt "Thumbs" Wilson                 Brooklyn         3.0       23

Team Axis

Captain                              Ship            Units    Speed
Daniel "Booce Jr." Betts             Von der Tann     4.0       26
David "Target" Dandridge             Thuringen        4.0       28
"Good Brandon" Olson                 Derfflinger      4.5       24
Todd "Skippy" Olson                  Lutzow           3.5       23
"Evil Brandon" Smith                 Nagato           6.0       24
Steve "Fish" Thrall                  Konig            5.0       28
Tanner "Rammstein" Thrall            Von der Tann     4.0       26

The battle raged hard as two opposition battleships set their sights on the Thuringen, one having vowed to sink her -- twice -- in her first sortie! She took her licks and was doing alright when she started rapidly settling lower in the water. Damage control was working and the pump stream was hard and steady but it was not enough and down she went. I ventured out into the clear water and could clearly see her sitting on the bottom. She was quickly retrieved and brought back to shore which is when I found that she had been rammed! I know not by whom, only that there was a very large hole in her side. So, her first sink was not brought about by battle damage, but by a ram, a comfortable consolation.

There was however one other unfortunate incident in this first sortie and that is when I inadvertently rammed and sank fellow German warship Von der Tann. Again, sorry Tanner.

This is when the next acts support came as three other captains (at least one being from the other side) assisted me in patching my hull for the next sortie (thank you Brandon, Matt and whoever the other pair of hands were). I also tried to work on the guns but to no avail. She would have to go out again with only one mostly reliable gun.

The second sortie was quite special. As the ships jockeyed about for a photo, there was call to implement "Operation Huell". I had no idea what this alluded to but was soon to find out. As battle was begun, every ship on the water -- friend and foe alike -- began firing on the Thuringen. Yes, it was quite a surprise when my own admiral began pumping shots into my hull. Fortunately, this inter-faction cooperation could only last so long and before long everyone was back to shooting at who they were supposed to be shooting at. I took a great deal of damage in this sortie, but managed to survive with something like 30 aboves, 6 ons and 20 belows. Totals for the battle were:

Team Allies

Captain                    Ship                A   O   B   Pen  Sink  Points
Bob Graybill               Augusta             9   2   2                 649
Chris Graybill             Northampton         6   0   0                 649
Harry Hollins              Caifornia          57   5  16                 974
Stephen Morgret            South Carolina     23   5   8         800    -367
Imanya Siouxpancic         Warspite           37   2   5                 974
Ty Siouxpancic             Inflexible         63   9   7         800      66
Matt Wilson                Brooklyn            4   0   0                 649
Total                                                                   3595

Team Axis

Captain                    Ship                A   O   B   Pen  Sink  Points
Daniel Betts               Von der Tann       18   1   4         800    -113
David Dandridge            Thuringen          45  11  30         800    -113*
Brandon Olson              Derfflinger        16   3   3                 687
Todd Olson                 Lutzow             22   7   4                 515
Brandon Smith              Nagato              7   8   9        1200W   -771
Steve Thrall               Konig              16   2   7                 773
Tanner Thrall              Von der Tann       23   1   1         800    -113
Total                                                                    865

* Second sortie damage was divided in half due to Project Huell.

Battle #2

For the second battle, the teams remained the same except that Brandon Smith moved to his Hindenburg due to issues with his Nagato and Kevin Betts took over captaining the Von der Tann from his brother so the fleets broke down as:

Team Allies

Captain                              Ship            Units    Speed
Bob "Bobby G" Graybill               Augusta          3.0       23
Chris "Danger G" Graybill            Northampton      3.0       23
"Horrible Harry" Hollins             Caifornia        5.5       26
Stephen "Strike" Morgret             South Carolina   4.0       28
Imanya "Lady McDeath" Siouxpancic    Warspite         5.5       26
Ty "Machine" Siouxpancic             Inflexible       4.0       26
Matt "Thumbs" Wilson                 Brooklyn         3.0       23

Team Axis

Captain                              Ship            Units    Speed
Kevin "Booce Jr. Jr." Betts          Von der Tann     4.0       26
David "Target" Dandridge             Thuringen        4.0       28
"Good Brandon" Olson                 Derfflinger      4.5       24
Todd "Skippy" Olson                  Lutzow           3.5       23
"Evil Brandon" Smith                 Hindenburg       4.5       24
Steve "Fish" Thrall                  Konig            5.0       28
Tanner "Rammstein" Thrall            Von der Tann     4.0       26

The second battle was not quite as frenetic as the first and I spent more time maneuvering with my still erratic guns trying to put some damage into my opponents. The third sortie of the day ended with the Thuringen still afloat.

The last sortie was a bit different for me because it was the first sortie I had entered damaged (all other damage had been repaired after the sink and after the first battle). Everyone seemed a bit tentative in that last sortie. People were getting tired, the wind was picking up and many ships were damaged, so there was a lot more maneuvering and avoiding major direct confrontations. I received very few shots, so I was not thinking too much about damage control and my pump. That is when I noticed the Thuringen seemed a bit low in the water and I realized, "oh *&%$! I have prior damage". I flipped on my pump and a very strong stream shot out. As I pumped, it did not look like it was doing very much and I thought that I had passed the point of no return and my thoughts then just shifted to getting her as close to shore as possible before she sank. But she did not sink and after about a minute of moving gently, so as to allow the pump to do its job -- the pump stream subsided -- she had recovered. As I let out a sigh of relief I heard Brian let out a low "Whoooaaahhh."

I decided caution to be the better part of valor and went on my "Five". I had to intermittedly run the pump but things seemed ok. I moved to one side of the battling area where I seemed to be overlooked to wait out my time. Meanwhile on the other side of the battle area things seemed to pick up and this drew my attention. After spending several minutes paying too much attention to this activity, I noticed an odd sight, a pair of matching US cruisers backing up in unison -- side-by-side -- blasting away. It was then that I noticed that they were blasting happily at the Thuringen! (Well done Bob and Chris) I immediately began maneuvering and kept my full attention on my ship for the remainder of my time. The Thuringen managed to survive again.

Team Allies

Captain                    Ship                A   O   B   Pen  Sink  Points
Bob Graybill               Augusta             0   0   0    50           601
Chris Graybill             Northampton         0   0   0                 651
Harry Hollins              Caifornia          31   4  11                 977
Stephen Morgret            South Carolina     28   3   2                 868
Imanya Siouxpancic         Warspite           42   2   4                 977
Ty Siouxpancic             Inflexible         70   5  10         800      68
Matt Wilson                Brooklyn           18   0   0                 651
Total                                                                   4795

Team Axis

Captain                    Ship                A   O   B   Pen  Sink  Points
Kevin Betts                Von der Tann       12   3   2                 522
David Dandridge            Thuringen          32  12  10                 522
Brandon Olson              Derfflinger        20   3  14   600           -78
Todd Olson                 Lutzow              6   0   1                 392
Brandon Smith              Hindenburg         34   6  16         800    -278
Steve Thrall               Konig              36   6  17                 587
Tanner Thrall              Von der Tann       22   3   4   600           -78
Total                                                                   2790

Yet there is more to tell, after the battle -- back at the build session -- I received yet more assistance in troubleshooting my guns (Thanks Brandon and Ty). I now believe that the next time the Thuringen takes to the waves, she will be a bit more dangerous.

Again, thank you to everyone who helped me along in this process and on the day of the battle.

As a whole it was a great experience, I had so much fun. My ship has been a long and often frustrating project, but it was all made worthwhile that Saturday morning.

Thank You All.